Mission and Vision
Spark Insights is a research, training and coaching collective for organisations that take anti-racism and inclusion seriously.
Our vision is a thriving, effective and sustainable anti-racism movement in the UK in which every person and organisation feels equipped and empowered to contribute to.
We dismantle systems of racial oppression and tackle racism in all its forms
Build an effective and long lasting anti racism movement conscious collaboration.
We equip our clients with the insight, knowledge and tools needed to develop skills in anti-racism in their daily lives.
We put our money where our mouths are by reinvesting our profits into our community platform, Spark & Co.
Spark & Co. projects support communities experiencing marginalisation.
Reinvesting Profit Into Our Communities
Spark Insights is a part of a Community Interest Company, Spark & Co.
Spark & Co. provides community support programmes for racialised people in the UK. 50% of profits made by Spark Insights is reinvested into Spark & Co.
Learn more about Spark by clicking the button below.
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Our vision is a thriving, effective and sustainable anti-racism movement in the UK in which every person and organisation feels equipped and empowered to contribute.